Sunday, January 29, 2017

Your NEW name

I always liked Romeo and Juliet, especially teaching it to my ninth grade English class. The line "rose by any other name would smell as sweet" reminds me of Juliet's plight, one of loving another by whose name was detested within her family and love should just be, right? Well, not quite. Through the entire play there is a sense of innocence lost and then nonsensical hate based on a family name and well, we all know how it ends.

So why bring up this "star-crossed lovers tragedy"? Well because many times we are losing a sense of who we are when going through life's changes, namely a divorce. We ask ourselves so many questions: Why did it have to happen to me? Was I not good enough, pretty enough, or just plain not enough? We also go through an identity crisis, after all our family dynamics changed. Our status in those numerous applications must be updated. By the way, I absolutely hated checking divorce. I felt like it labeled me some type of failure or you guessed it- not enough. 

So where did I take all this mental exercise and how did I begin to get set free? I was led by the lover of my soul to attend a conference where I had never heard of any of the speakers (no offense) or even knew what I was in for besides the conference title- Starting the Year Off Right and Ending the Year Right! Led by Chuck Pierce. Well from the very start I knew I was in for a great spirit filled weekend and into discovering a part of God I really hadn't seen, at least not in the churches I had attended.

Now, my main focus for today's blog post is that of Day 2 with Dr. Heidler ministering. Now let me tell you when the spirit touches your broken heart, you know the flood gates are going to open. I was absolutely amazed! Dr. Heidler spoke on receiving a new mantle. One of power and strength. He also spoke about the Hebrew year 5777. It was ah-mazing! I won't do it justice here. So from a new mantle of power and finding God's strategies for our walk to unlocking who I was in Christ. He said you have a new name a new identity! Quit aligning with who you were, align to who you are in Christ. You see I decided to change my name and had just done so that week prior to attending the conference. It was just a now word for me that my emotional healing would begin this weekend. Those of us that have walked this road of divorce need this sort of affirmation that God is still working in us and wants to heal our hurts. So, I want to tell you that you are loved by an awesome Creator who knows what you need before you even say it. Do some radical searching and you WILL find Him! Love n hugs!

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Rejection, it can come in many forms and from various experiences. As I was listening to Kim Clement ministries, there was a precious and sweet presence of the holy spirit. I began to weep as I thought of my current situation and my very upbringing. Rejection was the common thread through all of it. Then the minister that was on himself began to weep as he quoted the following verse:

Jesus, He knew what the feeling of rejection felt like and He was called the man of many sorrows. The beautiful thing in today's moment was I felt as if the Lord was reminding me that it is in this ugly and horrible time of rejection that beauty comes and many times a wonderful victory is born. 

Although, I understand that many in my life had no other choice in what they perceived to be what was best for me, ultimately it is God that has had my life in His hands. So today, I pray for any individual that has felt the sting of rejection and still struggles today with the memories and wish it could've been different or had it been a specific way and even the many why's. May you find hope today that there is one that wants to accept you even after you have been ignoring and rejecting Him.
May our hearts know the depth of love God has for us that no matter how unlovely people have been to us, His love surpasses it all... 
Rejected by the ones we love the most hurts the most, but once we allow our Heavenly Father to take our ashes...oh the beauty He creates is magnificent! Love you sweet one.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Letting Go

by thehuntercone

The song by Danny Gokey, Tell Your Heart to Beat Again, reminds us how many times we must forget the things that have happened in our past and turn our hearts towards what can be. As hard as this is many times, especially when the same people keep causing the same pain, we must focus on growing in love and truth.

Phillipians 3:13
Brothers, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth to those things which are before,

Many times our hearts get stuck because it is focused on all the hurt and tragedies it has endured. May the Lord heal those tender areas in our souls. As women, many times our identity relies on what others think or say about us and sometimes, we are so critical on ourselve that we even imagine what others are thinking whether it's true or not. We may even believe it wholeheartedly! We are told in scripture to set your mind on things above (Colossians 3:2). Why? Well, it is so easy to just think about what we see- the right here and now versus what could be. This is often where we miss out on the blessing that awaits us, so begin to look up and see that we have a GOOD and loving God that wants to restore our brokenness and heal our wounds.

We walk this life alone or we walk with those that want similar things as we do. If you find yourself walking alone, may I ask you a few questions:
  • Have you truly forgiven those that have caused you hurt?
  • Have you given them over to the Lord and asked Him to bless them?
  • Are you seeking the healing waters that can only come from the Living Word?
  • Are you open with your feelings to God, or do you keep areas a "secret" from Him?
These questions may shed some light to whether you are able to break free from these hurt. We must forgive- we all know that, but what I hear so many times is, "I've forgiven, I just can't forget." Well we have heard it said, "I can't means I won't". Don't go there sister. You can forget with God's help- pray that He erases those areas of tenderness that when spoken about bring sharp or even at times, dull pain you thought was gone. Bless them in your prayers, YOU may be the only one lifting them up to God. Seeking healing from the Word (Jesus- He is the Word made flesh) instead of running to others and things that seemingly bring temporary satisfaction are the worst thing we can do. I struggled with shopping for the longest time- it was my feel good activity and then came the bills. We know the truth is payment will be required one day for all we do and how we live. If food is our feel good activity- our health will need the payment. If an unhealthy self-image is it we will work out to no end and then we still seem unsatisfied. Why? Because our truth and life comes from Jesus- HE is THE Way, THE Truth and THE Life. Lastly, being open and honest with our feelings can bring true deliverance. 

1 John 1:9

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 

He IS faithful, no ifs, ands or buts about it. Honestly keeping things "hidden" only cause you internal damage and keep you bound. So, I pray for some release and freedom to come to you today.

May you learn to live again sweet one, love u.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

This morning as I was sipping on my coffee and watching my WOJ service from Lysa TerKeurst's message, I began to recall the reason my mother named me Abigail. She said she always loved how wise Abigail was in this bible story and I could camp on that for a bit, not necessarily agreeing with that same characteristic in myself, BUT Lysa advised us to live from the perspective that I will live loved and remember that God has handpicked me. 

Rejection is tough and is a true happenstance in many of our lives, yet what do we do with it? Lysa ended her message with ,"We must not let their words become THE words of our story." Being adopted and then given up once again can cause a girl all sorts of identity issues and rejection, but as my girl Lysa said what we focus on will be what we feast on. In other words our heart and soul can be fickle and overdramatic, oh yes I did go there! I am probably one of the world's best drama queens, but well that's another story for another time.  

I have to remind myself that being hurt or wounded isn't something to feel guilty about, it is our reality. The key is not to allow our feelings to drive our way of life and especially our way of feeling loved. For the past few years, my feelings tell me I am not loved, wanted, treasured or even noticed...but God in His word tells me He knew me before I was ever created in my mothers womb, He will never leave me or forsake me and that His son was sent because He LOVED me first. WOW! How can I then guide my feelings to refocus on those truths instead of what I am bombarded by in my everyday life? It has to do with the advice given in Phillipians 4:8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things. My soul- mind, will and emotions must be restored to this good news, otherwise well, we can become mean girls.

Restore the you're loved focus today,
love u

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Days like today I have to mentally tell myself that God is with me and that being brave isn't always easy. Many times you have to close your eyes to what is happening in front of you and see with the eyes of faith. If you think about where you are right now in life various emotions may fill your mind and more often than not, they may seem scary. I want to challenge you today sweet one, "Do life big" just as my girl Jamie Grace tells us in her wonderfully sweet song!

The meaning behind this blog's title is that my maiden name is Miranda and it has always meant something dear to me, but more so today than ever. Do you ever find yourself facing the same situation you faced years past or even months past? You ask yourself if there is some sort of Groundhogs Day phenomena going on or if you are supposed to learn a specific message that perhaps you just aren't getting. Well, I have this notion that the Lord is having me refocus on what has been lost and taken from me and to go after it- with my all!

As women our identities get questioned, ridiculed and often, abused. If I am worth more than gold and I am the apple of my fathers eye, well you know what I am going to ask because many of you have asked the exact same thing- "Why has ____ happened to me, in MY life, and why now?" Many time there are screams, tears and emotionally exhausting nights smearing your perfectly made up face- mascara and all! 

One last thought, those scars and wounds may never seem to be forgotten, but they should be healed. How does healing come? First, quit trying to excuse, deny or ignore the symptoms. Those memories of things and words shared in heated arguments and fleshly chatter- let them go in the sea of forgiveness. Just place them there- be gentle if you must or if you're like me, chunk them and then let God hear what's on your heart. I cannot be afraid that my God will shy away or condemn me for feelings that are human in their nature. What I must worry about is this masking of them and many times, unspoken cries in the middle of the night that keep us bound. Healing will come...we must first shine a light on the wounds and allow the water of the Word to cleanse them and begin the purification process.

Keep fighting,
Love u